What will we do with the water? The future is already here wherever you are — in the form of rising sea levels and frequent, destructive flooding. What is to be done?
Rising Sea Levels Are Inundating Coastal Economies Four Times Faster
Why the Missouri River Is Just Going to Keep On Flooding
Mississippi River, Missouri River listed as 'most endangered' in US
The Dutch Have Some Solutions to Rising Seas. The World Is Watching.
Jakarta may become the first megacity claimed by climate change. A last-ditch plan to save the city may not be enough
Walls Won't Save Our Cities From Rising Seas. Here's What May
“Green roofs” are being used in urban areas where space constraints limit the use of other stormwater management practices.
Permeable Pavement Systems as a Mitigation Strategy to Combat Stormwater Outfall and Sea Level Rise
Rethinking the Future of Dams in the U.S.: The country must grapple with a legacy of 90,000 dams- the future of our existing dams, including 2,500 hydroelectric facilities, is complicated in the age of climate change
The World’s Largest Dam-removal Project — and What We Could Miss
Can High-Volume Water Pumps Save Cities From Rising Sea Levels?
What are the solutions being discussed near you? How are you impacted? Is there hope? Are there jobs to help with the challenge?
Grand Challenge: Understanding and Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet
ERC Grand Challenges: For project design, for inquiry, for activism